July 2018
Postnova Analytics has published
a new application note that describes a new approach for analysis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in commercial sunscreens.
The technique,
which combines Inverse Supercritical Fluid Extraction (I-SFE) and Miniaturized Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation hyphenated with UV-Vis and MultiAngle Light Scattering (mAF4-UV-MALS) represents a promising tool for the verification of the nano-labelling of such products.
Due to the complexity of commercial sunscreen formulations, the determination of their nanoparticle content is usually very challenging and requires a tedious sample preparation step including the application of potentially hazardous organic chemicals.

The authors report on how 5 different commercial sunscreens
were investigated for their nanoparticle content using I-SFE followed by mAF4-UV-MALS analysis. Nanoparticulate titanium dioxide identified via ICP-MS was found in three sunscreens which was in agreement with the nano-labelling in the respective ingredients lists.
The particle size distribution determined via MALS revealed particle sizes ranging from 50 nm to approximately 450 nm in diameter of gyration for all three samples. For the 2 sunscreens that were not nano-labelled, no nanoparticles were detectable.
Cosmetics - This research demonstrates
that the combination of i-SFE with mAF4-UV-MALS provides a powerful and efficient tool for the verification of the nanoparticle content of commercial sunscreens. Due to its robustness and wide applicability, this setup is not limited to the analysis of sunscreens but may also be a helpful tool for the investigation of nanoparticle-containing cosmetics in general.
Further information
To download a copy of the application note please visit http://www.postnova.com/application-note/view/44.html. For further information please contact Postnova Analytics on +49-8191-985-6880 / +44-1885-475007 / +1-801-521-2004 /info@postnova.com.
Postnova Analytics
Founded in 1997, Postnova Analytics is the inventor and leading international supplier of Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) systems for markets including biopharmaceuticals, polymers, materials, nanotechnology and environmental sciences. Leveraging its unique and patented modular FFF - Light Scattering Platform, Postnova has been able to provide high performance solutions to a wide range of applications. Today the company's growing product portfolio includes Flow FFF, Centrifugal FFF, Thermal FFF, Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), MALS and DLS Light Scattering. Postnova (www.postnova.com) is located and headquartered in Landsberg am Lech (Germany) and has subsidiaries in the USA, UK and Finland. These offices in conjunction with a highly qualified and trained distribution network provides informed local support to customers worldwide.
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