November 12, 2014
analyticon instruments presents handheld spectrometers at the
EUROTIER 2014 and
PharmaLab 2014
- handheld Raman-spectrometer TruScan RM
Measurements are non-destructive and are even possible through transparent glass or plastic packages, thus minimising risk of contamination for users and materials.
- portable Raman-spectrometer RapID
The next generation of portable Raman-spectrometer for raw material indentification (RMID): measurements through HDPE-container, polyethylen-bigbags a.s.o.
- Raman-spectrometer (transmission-Raman) TRS100
Content uniformity tests fast, simple and efficient
- handheld NIR-spectrometer microPHAZIR RX
Classic measurement method as handheld instrument : it is able to measure through transparent packages, identification of chemicals and raw materials of incomming goods and during production