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Special Reports

Rubric: service provider
ultrafast lasers - life sciences




Advanced semiconductor metrology using picosecond laser ultrasonicsl
Picosecond laser ultrasonics,
or picosecond ultrasonics, is a technique for studying materials using high frequency acoustic pulses generated and detected by ultrashort optical pulses typically <1 ps in duration


Supercontinuum generation using an ultrafast fibre laserSupercontinuum generation using an ultrafast fibre laserChromacity Ltd report that the excellent coupling efficiency and high stability of its Model 1040 ultrafast fibre laser enables it to generate exceptionally broad and flat supercontinua in the near infrared region (750-1300 nm)


Comparing ultrafast fibre and tuneable ultrafast lasersChromacity Ltd has published an informative report comparing the advantages of ultrafast fibre lasers with a tuneable, ultrafast Ti Sapphire laser


Revolutionising secure communications with entangled photons
Ultrafast laser systems 
from Chromacity Ltd are enabling breakthroughs in quantum-enhanced optical systems, which offer the promise of highly secure


Real-time optical technique for determining impurities in hydrogen gas production
Chromacity Ltd. reports on the development of a next-generation optical solution for the detection of contaminants in renewable hydrogen


Characterising single photon detectors with tuneable ultrafast IR lasers
Chromacity Ltd reports how its tuneable ultrafast infra red lasers are helping researchers characterise single photon detectors (SPDs), essential devices for applications including quantum key distribution, LIDAR, as well as sensing and characterisation of samples using fluorescence lifetime measurement



Ultrafast laser enables new high energy particle strike simulation technique for semiconductor devices
Chromacity Ltd., a technological innovator in the field of ultrafast infrared lasers, has been cited in pioneering research undertaken by Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA



Second-harmonic generation imaging of biological samples

Chromacity Ltd., in conjunction with the Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Edinburgh and ICFO* Barcelona has published a report demonstrating how the ultrashort pulse width of its Chromacity 1040 femtosecond laser is ideal for generating a second-harmonic response from a wide range of biological samples.





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