The OMNIS NIR Analyser series consists of modern,
Swiss-made laboratory instruments for quality control of liquid, viscous, and solid samples in a few seconds
Good vibes in your lab: State-of-the-art near-infrared spectrometer for easier, faster, and more efficient quality control and routine screening.
Simple determination of haloacetic acids (HAAs)
in potable water with ion chromatography
hyphenated to mass spectrometry
Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are commonly produced as disinfection byproducts (DBPs) from water treatment processes. Some HAAs are regulated by the author-
ities and have been classified as potentially carcino-
genic. They have traditionally been analyzed by gas
chromatography (GC), a technique that requires time-consuming sample extraction and derivatization, leading to higher costs per analysis -August 2023 |
Metrohm is pleased to launch the Eco Coulometer, a robust, easy to use stand-alone titrator for coulometric determination of the water content in liquid, viscous, and solid matrices
Moisture concentrations as low as few micrograms can be safely and accurately determined with the Eco Coulometer at the touch of screen in matrices such as chemicals, petrochemicals, plastics, foodstuffs, and many more - February 2023 |
Metrohm is pleased to release OMNIS 3.0, the latest version of the company’s software for laboratory data management
OMNIS Client/Server is the networkable version of OMNIS. OMNIS Client/Server helps users increase the efficiency of their laboratory enabling straightforward collaboration and central management of data, instruments, SOPs, and users. Up to 100 clients can be managed centrally in an OMNIS Client/Server network - November 2022 |
Fully automated multi-parameter of drinking water via TitrIC
As the name suggest, TitrIC combines titration and ion chromatography on an integrated, fully automated platform. Results are a collected in a shared database and aggregated in the same report. For maximum reliability, - October 2021 |
Ion chromatography for carbohydrate analysis and more
4 applications utilizing ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) for the fully automated determination of multiple GOSs (β-galactooligosaccharides) and carbohydrates in novel foods and instant coffee, respectively, key anions and cations in beer, and organic acids in wine. - April 2021
Rapid detection of fentanyl and its chemical analogues
Mira DS from Metrohm with KnowItAll Raman Spectral Library (Handheld, over 20 fentanyl analogues.) from Wiley combines a sensitive analytical instrument with the largest libraries available on handheld Raman systems. - February 2021
OMNIS Sample Robot - Get four times the output with OMNIS - Quality control labs : automation for up to 175 samples - flexible and modular -
October 2018