Gröger & Obst
Vertriebs- und Service GmbH
Hans-Urmiller-Ring 24
D - 82515 Wolfratshausen
+49 (0) 81 71 / 99 77 00
+49 (0) 81 71 / 99 77 12
Products - Gas Analytics
survey gas analytics - analyser systems - gas conditioning systems - gas cooling systems-
gas sampling systems
- GO ATC - online analysis system for determination of the THC (Total Hydro Carbon) fraction of the air and other gas component of the air (optional) - Imissions- and emissions control - Compact design
- no comsumables
- GO-Mini-ATC - mobile analyser system - online analysis system for determination of the THC (Total Hydro Carbon) fraction of the air and other gas component of the air (optional) - imissions- and emissions control - Compact design
- no comsumables
Products - Water Analytics
survey water analytics - TOC online measuring systems, filter- and systems for raw water treatment
- measuring system GO-TOC P - complete measuring system for continuous detection of the total organic carbon (TOC) in water with automatic sample preparation, optional with TN measurement - sewage treatment plant monitoring, monitoring of industrial sewage, drinking water control a.s.o. - mounting plate
- measuring system GO-TOC 1000 - the worldwide smallest process TOC analyser - complete measuring system for continuous detection of the total organic carbon (TOC) in Water with automatic sample preparation -
sewage treatment plant monitoring, monitoring of industrial sewage, drinking water control a.s.o
- biogases
- filter - system components / sample conditioning
- hydrocarbon measurement in gases
- sample conditioning for gases - system components / sample conditioning
- sample gas cooler - system components / sample conditioning
- sewage treament plant - TOC-analysers
- TOC-analysers
- water analytics
- waste water analytics - industrial waste water - waste water municipal
Applications - Proven Solutions
Measuring Components
- biogases
- hydrocarbon in gases
- TOC - Total Organic Carbon
Application Areas
- airports
- analytical Laboratories
- chemical Industry
- coking Plants
- crematories
- dairy Farming
- foodstuff manufacturing
- paper mills
- petroleum refineries
- power plants
- research centres
- sewage treatment plants
- waterworks