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GMP Collagen type I additive for reinforcing bioprinted constructs
Produced using dry-spun 50 μm AMSBIO has introduced the innovative CollaFibR™ additive proven to increase the shape fidelity and biological relevance of bioprinted constructs in hydrogels and bioinks




Materials testing researchers choose Kirana
To choose the best camera to investigate the behaviour of concrete when subjected to high impact loading – the Dresden researchers compared experimental images on their samples from the Kirana with those taken by two alternative cameras for Digital Image Correlation (DiC) measurement analysis.



Larger scale batch photoreactor
Designed for scientists looking to scale-up batch photochemistry reactions – the Solstice Maxi™ fits neatly onto a standard laboratory magnetic stirrer enabling the contents of each tube to be efficiently stirred. 





GMP Compliant Cell Culture Medium Streamlines API Manufacture
StemFit™ Basic04 CT is designed to improve the growth and pluripotency of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and meet the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)

Correction at 11.6.2024 :
The analytical information ia not correct for the fourth paragraph
The manufacturing and quality control of this exciting new product are managed in strict accordance with GMP standards. All bottles of StemFit™ Basic04 CT come provided with a certificate of analysis and any documentation required for a seamless transition to clinical applications


High throughput decapping and recapping of tube racks..
IntelliXcap™ Automated Septum Cap Decapper/Recapper
from Azenta Life Sciences is a precision tube decapping / recapping instrument for use within high-throughput environments such as in biobanking, compound libraries, and other storage applications





Fluidic application optimized degassers

The DEGASi® range of inline degassers from Biotech Fluidics employ a Systec® AF gas permeable membrane with a constant vacuum degassing system to enable unmatched removal of dissolved gases from almost any fluidic process





Sensitive HPLC Refractive Index Detector

Designed with touch panel screen and a highly intuitive user interface – Biotech Fluidics REFRACTiMASTER® is a next generation refractive index detector purpose built for modern HPLC analysis








New and novel products and services central to the laboratory

CondenSyn Air Condensors - high pressure reactors - circulation and temperature control systems - evaporation and sample preparation -
gas generators - lab ovens and furnaces - safety equipment a.s.o.

Titan is a leading manufacturer of high-performance flow measurement solutions & ultrasonic flow meters.

Titan Enterprises.
Small bore – low flow –  liquid/fluid – flow meter solutions & Innovative Ultrasonic Flow Meter Technologies..


Analyzer App

Spectroscopy Feasibilty Study for Your Application

... turn your spectrometer into a Process Analyzer!

Our Analyzer Apps enable real-time monitoring
of product properties:
spectroscopic measurement meets data analysis.


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