 Detector module for instruments that require fluorescence detection
Biotech Fluidics
announce an exciting new addition to their range of robust, high performance Runge
Mikron modular detectors
 Solvent recycler helps big pharma improve sustainability
Biotech Fluidics berichtet, dass ein großer Pharmakunde 17 SPR-200 Lösungsmittel-Recycler gekauft hat, um den nachhaltigen Einsatz von Lösungsmitteln durch HPLC-Systeme in seinen analytischen Labors zu verbessern. Der eigenständige Lösungsmittelrecycler SPR-200 wird extern mit Strom versorgt und benötigt keinen externen Computer, wodurch potenzielle Verbindungsprobleme mit IT-Systemen vermieden werden.
 Efficient PFAS-free degassing of aqueous solutions
Biotech Fluidics has introduced the DEGASi® life science degassing chamber that provides efficient degasification of aqueous liquids at flow rates up to 20 ml/min
Optimized devices for challenging nanofluidic applications
Biotech Fluidics offers inline degassers, and a non-invasive flowmeter, optimized for nanoscale fluidic applications including chromatographic separations, dispensing, diagnostics, drug screening, nucleic acid sequencing and tissue culture
Patented technology for gentle pumping of biological fluids .
Biotech Fluidics announce the foundation of Ventri Labs AB (VentriLabs) – a new subsidiary set-up to leverage the disruptive benefits of its patented gravity liquid pump technology for handling of sensitive media.
Inline degasser reduces anomalies in reagent dispensing
Biotech Fluidics report how installation of two DEGASi® Plus semi-prep 6-channel degassing systems on a production line, has enabled a diagnostic kit manufacturer to almost eliminate inaccurate reagent dispensing issues
 Improving dispensing of a nanoparticulate formulation in manufacturing
Biotech Fluidics reports on the successful development and implementation of a pioneering combined micro flowmeter and degasser set-up to improve dispensing of a nanoparticulate formulation for a leading medical technology company
 Realtime flowmeters provide full software connectivity to HPLC data system
Supplied digitally calibrated with a certificate of conformity, Biotech Fluidics range of liquid flow meters deliver high-precision and accuracy across a wide measurement range. Using these compact non-invasive devices a growing number of scientists are monitoring liquid chromatography systems and getting pump performance diagnostic data in real time.
Fluidic application optimized degassersThe DEGASi® range of inline degassers from Biotech Fluidics employ a Systec® AF gas permeable membrane with a constant vacuum degassing system to enable unmatched removal of dissolved gases from almost any fluidic process
Sensitive HPLC Refractive Index Detector
Designed with touch panel screen and a highly intuitive user interface – Biotech Fluidics REFRACTiMASTER® is a next generation refractive index detector purpose built for modern HPLC analysis
Prozessoptimierte Entgaser
Biotech Fluidics hat sein Angebot an DEGASi® PREP+ Entgasern erweitert-Standard, groß und extragroß, um der Durchflussrate und dem Durchmesser der in Ihrer Anwendung verwendeten Schläuche gerecht zu werden.
High performance stainless-steel filters.
Biotech Fluidics announce a new range of multilayer stainless-steel filters
for larger bore elevated temperature and corrosive processing applications. Benefiting from proprietary “Closed Edge Technology” these unique PORO–FRIT™ filters deliver an unmatched even flow through profile even at the filter edges.
Optimierter Entgaser für die automatisierte Durchflusschemie.
Biotech Fluidics
reports on the development of a custom 8-channel DEGASi® Plus inline degassing system for AutoSyn AB - a start-up company specializing in flow chemistry and continuous processing systems.
 The Optimized degassers for nanofluidic
Nanofluidic studies enable the analysis of the properties and transport phenomena of liquids in nanoscale, typically ranging from 1 nm to 100 nm. These techniques are also being used to synthesize novel nanomaterials. Notable applications for nanofluidic techniques include biomolecular research, energy conversion, medicine, and water desalination
Smart solvent recycler improves sustainability
Not only does SmartSaver
improve the sustainability of your lab, but it also quickly pays for itself through enabling you to recycle almost all the solvent used by your isocratic HPLC system.
 Real-time monitoring of nanolitre fluid flows
At the heart of the Biotech Micro Flow Meter is a high-resolution thermal flow sensor that is extremely accurate and sensitive. The Micro Flow Meter is compatible with almost any solvent and being non-invasive guarantees the unperturbed operation of your whole fluidic system.
Non-invasive device for monitoring ultra-low fluid flows
Optimized to operate over the 100nl to 80 µL/minute flow range, with an unmatched high resolution of 1nl / minute, the Micro Flow Meter is the perfect tool for monitoring the consistency of UHPLC, LC/MS, high precision flow cytometry and micro- / nanoscale fluidics applications.
Expanded range of real-time liquid flowmeters
Operating over the flow range 0.01 to 80 µL per minute,
with a resolution of 1nl per minute, the Biotech Micro Flow Meter is the perfect tool for precise monitoring of extremely low flow rates such as are encountered in UHPLC, LC/MS and micro- / nanoscale bioprocessing applications.
Reliable, high-performance connections for UHPLC instruments
Biotech Fluidics has published a practical review paper that demonstrates how its MarvelX™ and MarvelXACT™ high pressure fluidic connections enable users to achieve reliable, repeatable, and consistent UHPLC performance. In this paper, fluidic experts explore the connection challenges facing users of modern UHPLC instruments.
Improving the performance of SPR instruments
Surface Plasmon Resonance
is the ‘go to’ technique for the measurement of molecular interactions in fluidics including serum, saliva, and organic solvents. SPR technology beneficially allows evaluation of affinity and kinetics of molecular binding reactions without the burdens of labelling as the technique is label-free - July 2023 |
Biotech- Removing bubble trouble from micro and nanofluidic systemsn
In most micro- and nanofluidic systems,
the formation and accumulation of air or gas bubbles can be severely detrimental to their operation. Once a bubble is generated, it is also extremely difficult to remove. The presence of bubbles can cause aggregation problems with particles or proteins, can damage chemical functionalization of surfaces, and in cell culture, bubbles can lead to cellular death. - June 2023 |
Inline degasser for high flow rate applications
With this impressive device, you can efficiently remove dissolved gases and even bubbles from organic solvents or aggressive aqueous solutions at liquid flow rates of up to 150 mL / minute. The DEGASI Prep+ is offered as a standalone unit in configurations operating from 1 to 4 channels of high throughput degassing - May 2023 |
Regulatory compliant flexible plastic tubing
Biotech Fluidics has launched a new range of traceable, certified PEEK and fluoropolymer flexible tubing for use in regulated environments -
April 2023 |
Torque-limiting fitting provides perfect tubing assembly connection
Benefiting from a torque limiting design feature - Intuitive™ fittings provide a haptic “click” feedback when they reach the optimum torque, assuring a perfect connection every time. This unique, patented feature ensures the high reproducibility and reliability of your connections and eliminates the risk of over- or under tightening - April 2023 |
Sensitive HPLC refractive Index detector
Biotech Fluidics announce REFRACTiMASTER® -
a new HPLC refractive index (RI) detector suitable for detecting compounds with little or no UV activity including simple sugars, complex carbohydrates, alcohols, fatty acids, and polymers - March 2023 |
Compact modular detectors for biomolecular applications
Based upon fixed wavelength LED
light sources with a lifetime of more than 5000 hours, power consumption below 2.5 watts, and start-up within seconds, Runge Mikron detectors are ideal for incorporation into portable field instruments and online monitoring devices - February 2023