Rubrics: control technology - service provider
Three Steps to Successful Process Analytics : Measurment - Analysing - Evaluation
- all in-one-solution based on online-spectrometer, analyser software PEAXACT and process know how -
Rubrics : control technology
Software for design of experiments DoE and multivariate data analysis MVDA - eShop
Rubrics controll technology
Advanced analytics for process manufacturing data - software for process manufacturing companies to derive insight from their data

Rubrics: control technology -engineering
Software for Chemometric Spectroscopy and Customer-Specific Technical Software for Analyzers
- comprehensive modular software solutions for
process automation
Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics - physical parameter - auxiliary units
Solutions for process analytics - complete solutions from one source.

Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics - physical parameter - control technology
From process analyzers to system solutions - a comprehensive range of products and systems
or process and quality optimization - products for process analytics include continuous
gas analyzers for stand-alone and system solutions as well as process gas chromatographs.

Rubrics: automation solutions - controll technologie - service provider
industrial-PC's - robotic - industriel automation - board-sets
