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 Flüssigkeitsanalytik - Applikationen "Sensoren für pCO2 - nicht-invasiv und in-process Monitoring"- Fa.PreSens

Applikationen der Messzellen für Partialdruck CO2
- Carbon Dioxide Sensors -

  • in der Medizin
  • in der Biotech-Industrie
  • in Untersuchungen zu Umweltproblemen


Medical Application: On-line Monitoring of pCO2

On-line monitoring of blood pCO2 is desirable in hypercapnia (pCO2 > 45 mmHg) therapy during point-of-care treatment in intensive care units. During surgeries on-line monitoring of pCO2 provides continuous fast and reliable information on patients' viability enabling faster clinical decision making compared to standard offline laboratory analyses based methods. Chemical-optical sensors and instrumentation can be integrated (OEM) to monitoring systems, like heart-lung machines, blood para-meter control units or blood parameter monitors to provide information for fast clinical decision making.




Biotechnology: CO2 monitoring in process development

In bioprocess development & production, monitoring dissolved carbon dioxide in addition to pH and oxygen provides valuable information. It ensures stress-free cultivation conditions during mammalian cell culture (e.g. CHO cell-line). Constant pH, oxygen supply and sufficient nutrition levels are key parameters to optimise yield. Thereby, excess carbon dioxide can act as a stressor or even a toxin to the culture and has to be controlled. The chemical-optical pCO2 sensors can enhance performance of process monitoring during cultivation in disposables, leading to process optimisation



Scientific: Carbon Dioxide Monitoring for Biological Applications

Increased CO2 uptake from the atmosphere caused by anthro-pogenic sources is believed to cause ocean acidification, with not yet foreseeable effects on marine life and ecosystem. Monitoring pCO2 in experimental set-ups simulating future levels of carbon dioxide can help to gain knowledge on the effects of ocean acidification on marine fauna. Besides the marine appli-cation, monitoring pCO2 also allows knowledge to be gained on land-based plant physiology. Monitoring pCO2 helps increasing yield during aquaculture of fish (fish farming) by providing convenient growth conditions. Excess carbon dioxide levels need to be monitored as this leads to hyperventilation of sea animals.

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