Rubrics: physical parameter - auxiliary units/sample conditioning - service provider
Industry leader in the design and manufacture of liquid handling, process analytics, robotics and automated storage solutions - sensors for pH and conductivity measurement and for dissolved Oxygen, columns for HPLC - calibration and validation

Rubrics: particle analytics - service provider
Particle sizing and shape analysis - eshop


Rubrics : liquid analytics - particle analytics - service provider
Innovative concepts for fibre-optical immersion probes and flow cells for process analytical technology (PAT)
- proven usability in chemical and petrochemical industry, pharmacy, life science, beverages and food -

Rubrics: control technology - service provider
From safety to smart safety for industry 4.0 - comprehensive solutions for safety-related applications in the rra of ditigal age - controlling industrial plants safely, intelligently and flexibel with modular systems - IT-security in industrial plants : cybersecurity is part of the architecture in the HIMA products and solutions

Rubrics: gas analytics - liquid analytics- physical parameter - service provider
Total solutions for protecting the environment, and for industrial processing analysis
- for immission ~, emission ~ and water analytics

Rubric : service provider
The HWI group is a comprehensive service provider which covers the entire life cycle of medicinal products, medical devices and other related products.
