Rubrics : control techmology - service provider
Turn Key automation and manufacturing IT software solutions (FiT = factory information technology) -
for industries producing foodstuffs, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, coating, photovoltaic and glass.

AGT-PSG GmbH & Co. KG  |
Rubrics : auxiliary units/sample conditioning - service provider
Planning, specification, delivery, installation and commissioningurn key analysis stations and sample preparations - tailor-made to customer and application-specific requirements, starting from the gas sampling probe, heated sample and analyser lines as well as
sample gas cooler
Amazon Filters GmbH |
Rubrics : auxiliary units / sample conditioning - service provider
Microfiltration filter cartridges and filter housings for critical liquid and gas applications to process industries

Rubrics :auxiliary units / sample conditioning - service provider
Provider of quality life science research reagents and services

Rubrics : particle analytics -service provider
Particle analyrics, technologies and applications
- consulting and suggesting proven methods and for the convenient technolgy available

Rubrics : auxiliary units / sample conditioning - service provider
New and novel products and services central to the laboratory
- CondenSyn Air Condensors - high pressure reactors - circulation and temperature control systems - evaporation and sample preparation a.s.o.

Rubrics: gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics - control technology - service provider
Distributor and service provider for instruments for chemists and analysts - world wide
- for own analytical products and for well known manufacturer - customised software solutions for chemical analysis -
