Rubrics : gas analytics --.liquid analyitics - physical parameter - control technology - auxiliary units/sample conditioning - service provider
Committed to Safety
- BARTEC specialists develop, produce and sell component solutions
and system solutions for all areas where hazardous substances such as combustible liquids,
gases and dusts are worked with.

Rubrics: gas analytics - physical parameter - auxiliary units
Gas detection - gas monitoring - level measurement - flame detection - Ex-signal devices -
profound knowledge in system integration of fire & gas devices and gas analysers.

Rubrics : gas analytics
Insitu gas analysis for bioprocesses, biogas and life sciences.

Rubrics : gas analytics - control techmology
Industry leader in air quality sensors, data and analytics for smart and green cities
- Automated, fully-digital industrial immission monitoring solutions

Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics- solid analytics
Innovate Solutions for Process Analytical Questions in all Industrial Production Processes
- with IR-, NIR- and Raman spectroscopy -
for foof&diet, for agriculture, for environmental protection - indication of hazadous substances in gases, fluids and solids (CBRNE detection) - surface analysis

Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics - auxiliary units/sample conditioning
The specialist for level and temperature control, cooling and analytical techniques.
