Rubrics:gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics - control technology
High-quality, state-of-the-art industrial products for detector array based optical spectroscopy from single OEM components like operating electronics up to complete UV/VIS/NIR- as well as Raman-diode array spectrometer systems

Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics
Advanced systems for laboratory, ambient air, petroleum, point-source mercury monitoring, as well as
automated air analyzers and Hg-CEM monitoring systems measuring ultra-trace levels of Mercury.

Rubrics: gas analytics - physical parameter
Development, production and marketing (also OEM´s) of infrared cameras - applications for
maintenace, controlling, non-destructive testing, gas detection et. al.

Rubrics : gas analytics - service provider
Fixed and portable gas and flame detectors
- gas monitoring solutionsfor industrial needs - controllers satisfy most international certification standards such as ATEX, SIL
